Birdstrike: Mitigating Wildlife Deaths Through Design
An example of design with a higher purpose, the Birdstrike project is the result of a conservation initiative between the biology and design departments at Johnson County Community College to place decals on windows in order to deter strikes and subsequent injuries to local avian populations.
The greater KC area is ranked as the 7th most dangerous city in the US for bird deaths, as it is built on over vital migration routes. It was discovered that placing decals on windows decreases the likelihood of birdstrikes, but how to do so in a way that is aesthetically pleasing, that aligns with the vision of the college, and without blocking natural light was the challenge of this work. To that end, I embraced the existing color palette of JCCC, and a motif of birds soaring up from crumpled paper.
As the paper birds fly higher, they increase in size and gain texture, become more detailed the higher they go. This signifies the potential for growth through knowledge and learning, while still keeping birds as the predominant subject of the piece. The designs are produced in a transparent vinyl and applied to the outside of the windows across campus. Students and faculty are encouraged to assist in reporting any witnessed birdstrike incidences, so It was important to me to incorporate a corresponding signage system informing community members how to get involved with the Birdstrike project.